Hochschule Hannover - Fakultät III ------------------ Anmeldung mit -u1 Account

Basic bookbinding for Incomings only (3CR)

Vera Burmester

start: 22.11.24 participants: 6


The students will learn essential bookbinding techniques as there are: sewing signatures and binding with adhesives.
We have a look at the used materials its textures and possibilities.
The aim of the class is: producing two fully handmade books, with stamping the title on it, using a headband and avoid glue spots on the cover...

The class includes eight appointments and takes place on fridays from  2 pm – 5 pm

The dates are: 22.11./29.11./06.12./13.12./20.12./10.01./ 17.01./ 24.01./ 31.01.

start:    22.11.24
participants:    6
only incomings!  
place:    Bookbindary in the design center
time:    2 pm-5pm
SWS:    34
Credits:    3


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[Zuletzt editiert von Stundenplanung BSKE-E - 19.08.24 - 10:32]
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